XANT CEO Dave Elkington Discusses the Future of Sales Data With Mergermarket
Christopher Tuttle
Last week at Dreamforce, several media outlets interviewed XANT CEO Dave Elkington about the future of Big Data and sales acceleration technology. Here’s a quick recap of one of those interviews, conducted by Chris Metinko from Mergermarket.
Mergermarket wanted to know how XANT will use its capital after raising $100 million in Series C financing in April. Elkington said the company might make some strategic acquisitions based on geography or participate in some acqui-hires.
Elkington is always on the lookout for breakthrough technologies that fit into the XANT sales acceleration platform, like the email tracking and synching software XANT acquired when it purchased iHance, Inc., in May. He also hinted that the company could apply its large amounts of data to other areas, such as contract negotiations or conflict resolution.
Right now, the company is focused on gobbling up as much growth as possible in the rapidly growing $12.8 billion sales acceleration technology category. Elkington also has his eyes on international expansion.
Bottom line: We’re going global with the most comprehensive sales acceleration platform on the planet. Thanks, Mergermarket, for helping us spread the word.