Sales Effectiveness

10 Good Habits of a Natural Salesperson For Your Business

Xant Team

It doesn’t matter how good a product is if you don’t have a great salesman to market it. To help you prepare for this fact, we’ve prepared a list of the 10 most important habits of a salesperson that gets the job done.

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Good Habits of a Salesperson

a business man sitting at the desk in the office | Feature Image

Know Your Product natural salesperson habits

Before you even start thinking about your sales pitch, you need to get to know the product you’re selling very, very well. Make sure you can talk about its features, know all its specs, and will be able to answer any questions about the product that is thrown at you.

If you’re pitching without knowing everything about your product, the customer will take it as a sign that you’re unprepared and don’t care enough about the sale.

a salewoman is making phone call online at the working table | Be persistent

Most sales are not made on the first pitch. Frequently, not even the second pitch will do it, or the third. In fact, studies show that salespeople in saturated businesses often have to contact busy people about a product up to 14 times before they get a response.

Good salespeople keep that in mind, and they don’t let “no” s discourage them.

Personalize Your Pitch

Customers love personalized pitches. A personalized tone accomplishes two critical things.

First, it shows the customer that you care about who they are as a person, not just as a source of cash. You care so much, in fact, that you set aside a block of time to look into the customer’s wants and needs.

Second, a pitch that is pertinent to them specifically makes a customer’s ears prick up and keeps their attention. This is an especially important point when you’re selling a product that’s not very interesting.

Even though the sale is your goal, and your customer will usually know that you don’t want to act “salesy.” Customers are naturally wary of salespeople, and you can disarm them by doing away with the sales cliches.

Instead, you want to come off as someone who loves the product and wants to share it with others.

Listen and Remember

The ability to pick up on the customer’s ongoing feelings and thoughts during a sale and change their own behavior accordingly is one of the things that sets apart decent and great salespeople.

You need to listen to everything the customer says, and file it away so you can use the information whenever it is applicable.

Show You're Listening

Good habits of a salesperson must include excellent listening skills. Not only do you need to listen carefully, but you need to SHOW the customer that you’re doing so. Make sure you’re making eye contact and nodding at the appropriate times.

People love getting attention, and customers will gravitate towards you if they feel they are getting it.

If you look sad or bored when you’re making a sale, your customers might get the feeling that you are not excited about the product, that you are just reciting the same script you’ve gone through a million times.

Whether this is true or not, you don’t want to give off that appearance. Look excited about the product, and that feeling will spread to your customer.

Even if you’re on the phone, customers can detect a smile in your voice.

Ask Good Questions

The ability to ask good questions is perhaps the most useful habit of a salesperson. Good questions serve a few purposes:

  • They show that the salesperson is engaged.
  • They show the salesperson is interested in the customer.
  • They enable the salesperson to gather information about the customer and their preferences. This will help to customize the pitch (see above).
  • They “keep the customer on their toes” by forcing them to stay engaged in the sale.

Make sure whatever questions you ask are interesting and engaging, though. No “what keeps you up at night” cliches. Boring questions are the quickest way to annoy a customer.

RELATED: Why Asking Questions in Sales is Important

Ask for Referrals

Customers who you were referred to by a mutual acquaintance are much, much easier sells than leads which you don’t know at all going in — 50-70% compared to 10-30% from other lead sources. And, because of this, referrals are a huge part of a successful salesperson’s customer base.

Always be sure to ask if any colleagues of the customer would be interested before ending a meeting.

This is very similar to our “be persistent” point discussed above.

If you talk to a customer and don’t get a hard no, that means the door is still open. Contacting them again about the sale a week later is actually a better way to make sales than trying to push the customer towards earning the deal right off the bat.

Follow these tips (or share them with your salesperson) to move more product, succeed in your hustle, and pick up some good habits of a salesperson.


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